January 24, 2006

Henrietta Szold on the Internal Jewish Question

From the Maccabaean, Vol 1: Henrietta Szold on the Internal Jewish Question. In it she writes,

If Zionism had but one Jewish question to solve, the external one—the question created by anti-Semitism and industrial and economic disturbances, then the solution it proposes, the reestablishment of the Jewish life for the Jew, might well awaken misgivings. An impulse shaped by such accidental considerations might bring together irreconcilable elements not to be fused into a national unit. Besides the external Jewish question, there is an internal one, the Jewish question created by the needs of the Jew as such, the question of national dissolution or of continued existence, together with the terms on which continued existence will be a blessing to the race and to mankind.
Read her words, in the original.

Posted by ArielBeery at 08:49 AM | Comments (1838)

January 22, 2006

The Maccabaean, Vol. I (1901)

Here it is. My source material--too large to post in full online.

Maccabaean thubnail.jpg

I will post excerpts in the future.

Posted by ArielBeery at 02:21 PM | Comments (1981)

January 21, 2006

How to Organize Zionist Societies

[From a Letter to the Editor printed in the Maccabaean, Vol.1 (1901)]

THERE are two ways of organizing a Zionist society. One is the right way. The other is the wrong way. The first is diametrically opposed to the second. This is the wrong way: Three or four ardent Zionists meet, rent a hall, prepare circulars, and hold a mass meeting. After very enthusiastic speeches, applications for membership are received. When a sufficient number of names have been secured, the meeting is adjourned. At another meeting, called in a careless manner, more enthusiastic speeches and vague talk of organization, dues, meetings, but definite arrangements, however, as to election of officers. When an Executive Committee has been appointed, the rank and file become utterly indifferent and resort to criticism of officers as the natural order of business. Then there is vague gossip of joining a vaguely defined Federation.

When a circular is received from the Federation calling a convention, the purpose for sending a delegate is to take note of what has not been done by the Federation. After the delegate returns with his incomplete, often disgruntled and pessimistic report, the members indulge in grumbling, are much disgusted with the Federation, and deliver themselves of more fiery denunciatory speeches. The society then drags along, waiting for some sensation to break the monotony of its existence.

Needless to state, such a society is fundamentally weak and its propagation of the cause is ineffective.

The following is the right way: Let the group of ardent and sensible Zionists who would propagate Zionism, send to THE MACCABEAN or to the Federation of American Zionists, for a constitution defining its position in the hierarchy of societies, the duties of officers, committees, etc. After the receipt of the constitution and detailed instruction, let these pioneers canvass their district to discover the sympathizers of the movement for national rehabilitation. Quietly let a meeting be called and an organization affected, composed of men thoroughly inspired with the Jewish spirit; then let a committee be appointed with stated duties and let stated meeting be arranged for. When the completed organization is in good working order, let a mass meeting be called to expound to the larger public, which is as yet unfamiliar with Zionism, what the movement aimsto accomplish, and let the periodic mass meeting supplement the stated monthly or bi-monthly meetings of the society.

And, above all, let not this society hold aloof from interests that apparently are not Zionistic; but let it assist every Jewish movement that aims for culture, knowledge of Jewish history and Jewish life. Let it not hold aloof from movements that give expression to some particular phase of Jewish life, say in literature, art or science. Let it not refuse to assist the persecuted because the methods in vogue do not aim completely to solve the difficulty. But under all circumstances, be broad and liberal-minded, with the purpose clearly in view to realize that composite Jewish life, sometimes called the Jewish national life, of which the term Zionism is the collective expression.

This right way we commend to all Zionists. "Whoso loveth correction, loveth wisdom." The methods of Zionist organization necessitate reproof ; will our Zionist brethren profit by it?

Posted by ArielBeery at 11:59 PM | Comments (2224)

January 04, 2006

Mordechai Kaplan Speaks to Us Today

In conjunction with BlogsofZion, OnZion is proud to host Mordechai Kaplan's A New Approach to the Problem of Judaism. Enjoy.

Posted by ArielBeery at 11:52 PM | Comments (3373)